Prophet uebert Angel

President of the GoodNews World
Prophet Uebert Angel is not only the President and Commander-in-Chief of the GoodNewsWorld, which currently has over 2.8 million registered citizens across the globe, but he is also Zimbabwe’s Presidential Envoy and Ambassador Plenipotentiary to Europe and the Americas, and he maintains close relationships with a large number of heads of state and other world leaders.
The Highly Esteemed Ambassador, Prophet Uebert Angel who is a Citizen of the United Kingdom and a resident thereof, went to Salford University in Greater Manchester where he received two degrees in Finance and achieved Student Of The Year awards on campus.
He is the author of best selling books such as Prayer Banks, Supernatural Power Of The Believer, The Money Is Coming, Praying For The Impossible, How To Hear The Voice Of God, Spiritual Warfare, The Greatest Secret God Told Me About Money, How To Defeat The Demon Of Poverty, The Effective Soul Winner, God’s Medicine – to name a few.
Despite this, Forbes Magazine found that Angel is one of the hundreds of successful businesspeople across Africa who are establishing million-dollar fortunes for themselves. Angel is one of the people featured in the article. “These businesspeople did not get their fortune from inheritance; they earned it.”