Supernatural Power Of The Believer

In Supernatural Power of The Believer, Pastor, Prophet, television host, healing minister, and bestselling author, Uebert Angel reveals hidden secrets to growing in the five dimensions of God’s power and how believers can increase in anointing. He also gives insight on how exploits such as the prophetic, transportation in the spirit, healing the sick, raising the dead, moving through walls, walking on water, levitation, and other signs, miracles, and wonders, rarely discussed, but fill the pages of the bible, can be reached. This revelation, received after a visitation from the Lord, will make any child of God live in higher realms of victory and absolute success.

Presiding over an ever-widening number of Spirit Embassy Churches worldwide, Pastor Uebert Angel has touched the lives of millions through his television programmes, books, magazines, charity programmes and Crusades. He is also the author of many bestsellers including I went to Heaven and the popular daily devotional Power for Today which he co-authors with his wife Pastor Beverly Angel.

Pastor Uebert Angel has, through an anointed ministry now synonymous with miracles, signs, wonders and accurate prophecies , helped many receive healings and miracles. He is also a graduate of Finance from the university of Salford, UK and studied further at Bolton University including a Masters degree in Entrepreneurship from Edinburg University.

In this book you will learn:
– How to move in extra-ordinary signs, miracles and wonders
– How to increase in supernatural power
– How to know your future by Gods power
– How the devil uses gossip, accusations, criticism and slander e.t.c
– How to be more Spiritual and not lack any good thing

Armed with this revelation the devil will shake at the mere sight of you!


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Excerpt from Chapter One – A Believer: The New Superman! – of the book Supernatural Power of The Believer from Prophet Uebert Angel

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a NEW CREATURE: old things are passed away; Behold, all things are become new (2 Cor 5 vs. 17)

KAINOS is the Greek word for new creature. This word means an UNHEARD OF creature, a new species of being, unworn and utterly unique. Kainos is a creature that never existed before. This new creature is superior to the devil and his gang and has an ability to grow in their superhuman qualities. Believers can. move into higher realms of Power in Christ. They are born to demonstrate power. We are born to show the world that there is another world other than this physical one. We are born to perform miracles, signs and wonders.

The word says:

‘For the Kingdom of God is not in word, but in the demonstration of power’ (1 Corinthians 4:20)

Notice, as new creatures in Christ we are created to do mighty works and we can move high up in our dimensions of power. God made us to be so. We are God’s products carrying His D.N.A.

James also says ‘we are the workmanship (tecknon) of God’ meaning, the technology of God – His workmanship. We are God’s make, packaged for success and victory. Believers are the new species. We are the new and best products on the market. We are the new superman born of God. We can do mighty exploits if we know how to move in the dimensions of God’s power and in this book I will show you clearly how to do just that. After you get a hold of this revelation the devil and his gang will tremble at the mere sight of you.


Weight 0.15 kg
Dimensions 22.5 × 14.5 × 0.7 cm

Lightning Source UK

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