Provoking The Angels of Money

In his usual controversial fashion, Uebert Angel provokes a reaction by stating “seeding and tithing doesn’t work’. in a visitation from the Lord, God revealed how believers can provoke the angels of money and how they serge beyond the principle of seeding and tithing.

This book will usher serious believers into a different dimension of biblical prosperity that is unheard of. Your financial future is about to change as you go through the passages of this book. The revelation that is about to be imparted to you will revolutionize your thinking on kingdom prosperity and will open up why seeding and tithing is not working today.

Presiding over an ever-widening number of Spirit Embassy The GoodNews Church branches worldwide, Uebert Angel has touched the lives of millions through his sattelite-broadcasting channel Miracle TV, which broadcasts 24 hours-7 days a week around the globe, books, magazines, charity programs, and crusades.

He is also the author of many bestsellers including “How to Hear the Voice of God”, “Defeating the Demon of Poverty” and the daily devotional “The GoodNews Daily” which he co-authors with his wife BeBe Angel. Uebert Angel has, through an anointed ministry now synonymous with miracles, signs, wonders, and accurate prophecies, helped many receive healings and miracles. He is also a graduate of Finance from the University of Salford, UK, and studied further at Bolton University including a Masters degree in Entrepreneurship from Edinburg University.


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Excerpt from Chapter One of the book Provoking The Angels of Money from Prophet Uebert Angel

Chapter One

The clock was striking seventeen and clouds above the city of London were the color of a colorless television set tuned to a still station; gloomy, wet, and not much traffic to raise the day to life. It was one of those days I did not expect anything to happen more than I expected to be the first man to land on the moon but it happened anyway. Like most of my visions it all ensued without warning;

“Seeding does not work”

I gulped my water hurriedly, shoved away my book on the Physics of Organisms by Moe Wan Ho I was perusing, slamming it on the velvet upholstered door pockets behind me, and ran my fingers down the middle console as fast as my right hand could go without the help of my eyes. My wife BeBe could see the urgency in my actions yet she remained steady on the road and as focused as the rock of Gilbrater. She was as sure as December that I was hearing something. In the meanwhile, my feet were pounding on the padded floor, as my hand fumbled to locate the electronic notepad. I had to hurry. I needed to take notes. You see, BeBe and I have been in these situations many times and matter-of-factly, almost every book I have ever written was received in a vision like the one I had just entered into so with the statement;

“Seeding does not work”

I just knew there was more to come. My head was throwing questions at me at more than the speed of light. How can this be correct when God had so many times given me revelation upon revelation on the seed and allowed me to teach on it around the world? Now he was telling me without reservation

“seeding does not work”

I sat there frozen as dead waiting for the next word. It was fast and quick.

“I never intended seeding to be for my people because it’s not exclusive to them for I am a God of mercy who makes the rains to fall on the field of the sinner as much as the righteous. Remember I said that very fact in Matthew 5:45”


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Dimensions 18.6 × 11.7 × 0.4 cm

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